What To Ask When Hiring Nonprofit Digital Marketing Agency
Whether you’re a legacy not-for-profit ready to launch into digital or you’re a start-up charity looking to build your brand, at some point you’ll consider hiring a nonprofit digital marketing agency to expedite your efforts. Questions to ask when hiring a nonprofit digital marketing agency Because the decision-making process can seem overwhelming, we’ve compiled this […]
How iOS 15 Is Already Impacting Nonprofit Marketing
When Everything Changes… There have been several recent changes in the digital world that have had a felt impact on how agencies and organizations run ads and the results that we are able to measure. It was a slow trickle over the course of the year with the roll out of iOS 14 and the […]
Why Your Nonprofit May Need Branding Services
A brand is so much more than a logo, name or colour palette, your brand encompasses who your organization is at its core. Branding services can help you identify these core values and create a meaningful message that resonates with your constituents. When done well, branding can evoke positive emotional responses at every level. Branding […]
Why Marketing Asset Creation Matters for Your Nonprofit
When you’re working in the nonprofit world, it seems natural to spend the majority of your time creating and maintaining programs to serve your constituents. However, it’s worth considering marketing asset creation. This includes anything that could be used by your organization to promote itself, its products and services or its programs. Almost anything can […]
3 Keys to Planning a Winning Campaign Specific Strategy
Having a campaign specific strategy is paramount when you want to focus on growing or improving one particular area of your nonprofit organization. Campaigns can apply to many aspects of charitable activities but are most often used to plan and execute projects, products, special events and name acquisition initiatives. When creating a campaign strategy, it […]
Why Your Nonprofit Organization Needs a Strategic Marketing Plan
One of the most important elements of any initiative is a strong strategy. But when it comes to strategic marketing, it is often confused with a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is your plan to target people and convert them into donors or customers. Strategic marketing is the process you put into place to differentiate […]
How to Write a Communication Strategy for Your Nonprofit
If you’re feeling like the people or departments in your nonprofit organization are not on the same page, it may be time to create a comprehensive communication strategy. Putting this in place allows your entire team to operate from a common and standardized plan, ensuring they are equipped to relay correct information to each other, […]
How to Conduct a Marketing Audit
A marketing audit is exactly what the name describes, a comprehensive analysis of your internal and external marketing to determine a plan of action and improve your nonprofit organization’s performance. When done right, this allows your leadership team to evaluate the current strategy as a whole, seeing what’s working and what could be improved. This […]
Three Tips for Tax Receipting in Canada
If you’re part of a relatively new nonprofit organization, you may feel a bit daunted by the process of tax receipting in Canada. Even if you’ve been in the nonprofit world for a while you know how complicated it can be. Understanding and complying with Canada Revenue Agency regulations is an important and necessary aspect […]
Nonprofit Marketing Tips You Can Implement Now
The world of marketing can appear daunting and overwhelming, with big words and fancy jargon – but it’s often just a smokescreen. Yes, marketing is complex, and we work hard to understand our audience, but sometimes marketers can throw around fancy words to appear more equipped. Here’s the thing – if you can master a […]