Navigating the New Instagram Algorithm: A Guide for Nonprofits

Instagram iPhone

In a recent announcement, Instagram revealed significant changes to its algorithm, aimed at leveling the playing field for creators of all platform sizes. Historically, the platform’s algorithm has favored accounts with large followings and reposted content aggregators, often leaving smaller, original content creators in the shadows. The term content aggregators refer to accounts that frequently […]

Current Trends in Nonprofit & Charity Marketing

Nonprofit Charity Marketing Insights | Anchor Marketing Inc. | Blog

In the ever-evolving landscape of nonprofit fundraising and marketing, it’s essential for organizations to remain adaptive and informed. The recent years have seen significant shifts in donor behaviours, influenced by both global events and advancements in technology. While some organizations have been able to maintain steady growth, others are navigating the uncertainties of a rapidly […]

The Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency For Your NonProfit

The Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency For Your Non-Profit

You’re a nonprofit on a mission to save people, the planet, or standing for change on important social issues. You’re out there changing the world, running programs and advocating on behalf of those who can’t advocate for themselves. With all that and more resting on your shoulders, who has time for marketing? And how does […]