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June 11, 2021

Nonprofit Landing Pages Best Practices and Examples


Something many of the ministries and nonprofit organizations we work with are wondering is how to get more qualified new names. More often than not, we’ll recommend a new name acquisition campaign, which involves creating a product to give away (digital or physical), running advertisements about the product and building a landing page specifically designed for the campaign.

While landing pages are simpler than an entire website, there are still a number of best practices to consider. Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning your nonprofit’s next landing page.

New Name/Lead Acquisition Landing Page: Best Practices

The goal for any landing page is to convert visitors into leads. In the nonprofit world we call leads “new names.” A landing page works best when it has one specific purpose or goal and directs people to take one clear action.

Landing pages are much simpler than multi-page websites, but they’re more difficult to get right.

Here are a few design elements to keep in mind when planning a landing page:

  • Clear call to action
  • Clean design
  • Engaging visuals
  • Mobile responsive and accessible
  • Simple forms

Whatever the goal of your landing page, it should be aligned with the objective of your larger campaign without distracting visitors from its main purpose.

Nonprofit Landing Page Example: Hour of Power Canada

The image below is an example of an effective landing page design we created for one of our clients, Hour of Power Canada. This organization gave away a free set of “prayer cards” to generate new names for their prospective donor list. They made this resource specifically addressing overcoming worry and anxiety available during COVID-19, when this was a very real struggle for many people.

While this ministry does much more than offer a simple set of cards with affirmations on them, the goal of this landing page wasn’t to distract people with the details, but to give them a gift in exchange for their name and address. Once they requested their free gift, they would be introduced to the ministry and could then decide if they wanted to go deeper and learn more. Used in this way, landing pages can be an excellent way to introduce people to your nonprofit or charity.

Nonprofit Landing Page Example: TWR Canada

This image is a look at some details of a landing page we created for TWR Canada as part of their name acquisition campaign. The ministry had created a booklet on prayer called 8 Ways to Hear from God through The Lord’s Prayer and they were offering it free to constituents and new names.

On any website, you want your forms to be as simple as possible and to only collect the information you need. This principle is even more important on a landing page. The simpler it is to complete, the more likely people will follow through. Once the form is submitted, you should also consider adding a thank-you page or a “success” message to let the visitor know their information went through and they will be hearing from you shortly.

If you’re looking to run a new name acquisition campaign, please get in touch! At Anchor Marketing, we specialize in nonprofit marketing and can handle every part of your next campaign from concept to planning to execution and more.

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