Mom2Mom Child Poverty Initiative Society

Achieving Significant YoY Growth and Exceeding Goals with the Gift of Groceries Holiday Campaign

Mom2Mom (M2M) conducts an annual holiday campaign, Gift of Groceries, to engage their donor base in fighting food insecurity for single mothers in Vancouver. Despite their dedication and impactful mission, they faced significant challenges each year. With a small team and limited resources, they struggled to maximize their campaign’s reach and effectiveness, missing opportunities to engage potential donors. They needed strategic leadership and skilled execution to fully realize their potential, expand their initiatives, and grow community support.
Services Provided
  • Strategy
  • Campaign Messaging
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Landing Page Development

Mom2Mom is a dedicated organization committed to improving the lives of children in Vancouver, Canada by supporting their moms. Founded in 2012 by community doctors, they provide vital resources to moms facing the dual challenges of financial hardship and solo-parenting. Their support includes groceries, basic household items, extracurricular activities for children, and assistance during emergencies. By alleviating stress and fostering a supportive community, Mom2Mom helps moms thrive, which in turn helps their children thrive. Their unique approach addresses the social, emotional, and financial needs of these families, creating a positive impact that changes lives.

What We Did

Campaign Strategy & Messaging

Our approach to the Gift of Groceries campaign involved a series of strategic improvements. We started by designing effective landing and thank you pages, which streamlined the donation process and improved donor recognition.

The communication strategy was continuously refined to include authoritative voices, compelling data, and impactful stories, thereby strengthening the campaign’s credibility and appeal. Throughout the campaign, we managed a series of targeted emails and social media posts, each crafted to engage existing donors and attract new supporters.

Communication & Engagement

To ensure that our messaging resonated with the target audience, we updated our communication approach each year. This included integrating quotes, facts, and stories from authoritative sources to lend weight to our appeals.

We also recommended and implemented digital advertising strategies to extend the campaign’s reach beyond the core donor base. This helped increase visibility and engagement, driving more donations and expanding the campaign’s overall impact.

Corporate Engagement & Performance Optimization

A key focus was on strengthening corporate support. M2M successfully secured a significant portion of the campaign’s donations from corporate partners, demonstrating the effectiveness of our engagement strategies.

To continually improve performance, we closely monitored campaign results and made strategic adjustments as needed. Our recommendations included setting higher target goals and utilizing advanced analytics to better understand the impact of our efforts, ensuring that each campaign iteration was more effective than the last.

Giving Tuesday Campaign Integration

When we began working with M2M on the Gift of Groceries marketing campaign in 2021, they were initially hesitant about competing with larger organizations on Giving Tuesday. Nevertheless, we proposed testing a targeted Giving Tuesday communication as part of our six-week strategy. The outcome was outstanding: it became the highest day of giving throughout the entire campaign.

This success highlighted the substantial impact of leveraging Giving Tuesday, leading us to integrate it into the campaign strategy for subsequent years. This approach consistently improved campaign performance, driving increased donations and improving overall results.

The Results

Over the course of the Gift of Groceries campaign from 2021 to 2023, our strategic efforts drove substantial year-over-year growth and engagement. Despite poor economic conditions and high inflation, the campaign maintained high donations and exceeded our goals.

Increase in Donations from 2021 to 2023.

Cumulative Campaign Goal Achievement. Each year, we raised our goals and surpassed the expected targets.
of the total campaign donations in 2023/2024 came from corporate donors.
Return on Investment (ROI) was 2,244%, shattering the initially expected return of 14:1—ensuring this campaign would impact as many families as possible.
of the total donations came from first-time donors in 2023/2024.
Email campaign outperformed the nonprofit sector industry standard by 133.59%, achieving 83.66% higher open rates and 183.51% higher click rates.
Increase in Average Email Open Rate from 2021 to 2023 (43.5% in 2021 to 46.24% in 2023).
Increase in the Average Email Click Rate from 2021 to 2023 (3.4% to 7.92%).

Donation Goals vs. Results

The chart below illustrates the campaign’s performance over three years, showcasing how actual donations consistently surpassed the set goals each year.

Tangible Benefits for Families

Provided participant families with takeaway food boxes and holiday gifts, including extra grocery gift cards, allowing moms to customize their holiday feasts and build deeper connections within the community.
Increased the monthly grocery gift cards each participant family receives by an additional $25.
Continued the $25 increase in monthly grocery gift cards for each participant family, demonstrating sustained support and impact.
“When we were connected to Anchor Marketing, our organization was in a time of significant growth. They helped us during this transition in numerous ways, such as revamping our website and suggesting unique campaigns to increase our donor pool and overall donations. They also produced excellent design work and helped us develop a consistent and thoughtful brand strategy.”
Samantha Schumacher
Communications & Fund Development Coordinator, Mom2Mom Poverty Initiative

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